With face to face Scouting on pause, we're thinking differently about the usual Scout section Challenge Camp and are inviting all members and friends of Birkenhead Scouts to our #ChallengeWeekend2020.
This will be a weekend of fun in your own home for Beavers, Cubs, Scout, Explorers, Network, Adults and their families. The usual challenges for the weekend have been re-booted for this event but will still involve cooking, hiking, camping and creating structures with some added challenges thrown in for good measure. The whole weekend is just for fun and to help you #KeepOnScouting.
The Weekend Live Events Running Order
Friday 8th May
12.00 Flag break, opening of the Challenge Weekend and launch of the Cooking Challenge
19.00 Cooking Challenge Close / Start of the Camping Challenge including Virtual Campfire Sing-a-long
Saturday 9th May
07.00 Flag Break and Launch of the Hiking Challenges
10.30 Hiking Challenges Update
13.30 Hiking Challenges Update
16.30 Hiking Challenges Update
19.00 Hiking Challenges close / Start of the Camping Challenge night 2 including Virtual Campfire Sing-a-long
Sunday 10th May
10.00 Flag Break and Launch of Structure Building Challenge
14.00 Structure Building Challenge Close and Challenge Weekend Closing Ceremony
Badge Design Challenge
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Badge Design Challenge.
The winners are:
Beavers - Cooking Challenge - Henry Rodway, 265th Birkenhead
Cubs - Camping Challenge - Rohan Walsh, 2nd Thingwall
Scouts - Hiking Challenges - Marli Holden, 265th Birkenhead
Explorers - Structure Building Challenges - Jessica McNab & Emily Ellis, Viking Explorers (we have merged their badges)
The winning entries can be seen on the pages of challenge the badge was designed for.